Ensuring that software runs properly is just one aspect of software development; another is creating an interface and design that will entice users to use it repeatedly. 

Customers make an unconscious decision about a business’s legitimacy based on this initial contact. It’s clear.

Regardless of how wonderful a piece of software is, the way it feels and appears conveys to the user how seriously the firm regards its creation. 

It can only benefit others after that. Correct? Nobody enjoys continuing to use software or products that don’t feel or look nice. It’s inherently human.

88% of customers decide not to return to a website or application with a subpar user experience, per a Hubspot survey. 

Furthermore, 90% of users said that a bad app’s performance was the reason they quit using it. You now see how important visual components are to improving user experience.

The QA specialists must thoroughly examine these components. Comprehensive quality testing is crucial because, without it, there would be a loss of customers and even a decent product might veer off the route to success.

Let us first see, what is Visual testing

Periodically, software businesses issue updates or new versions of their software products. Code bases are updated or altered as part of regular deployment.

This can lead to several issues since, if done incorrectly, even the smallest adjustment can negatively impact the user experience. 

Software testing techniques that concentrate on the visual components of the programme or product usage experience while utilising UI/UX testing are referred to as visual testing.

Let’s examine the components of the visual testing challenge.

  • Comparison: To compare various states of the user interface before and after code modifications, screenshots are taken during the process.
  • Precision: The smallest visual changes that might have an impact on the user experience must be detected with a high degree of precision.
  • Verifying Responsiveness: To confirm that the user interface (UI) adjusts appropriately to various screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations, visual testing is used.
  • Accessibility Testing: It is routinely examining if accessibility rules for people with impairments are being followed.
  • Cross-Device and Browser Testing: This checks that the user interface (UI) renders consistently across a range of devices, web browsers, and operating systems.

Functional Tests’ Limitations

Functional tests verify that the user interface functions. For instance, you would want the link to accurately bill the customer’s credit card if they clicked “pay now.”

However, what happens if you want to make sure that the invoice information and the “pay now” button are correctly aligned?

Doing a functional test to verify that would be quite labour-intensive.

The following are some instances of what a functional test might overlook:

  • Alignment shifts
  • Rendering problems
  • Element overlap
  • Pixel-by-pixel differences
  • Page layout
  • Responsive layout
  • Colour differences
  • Font differences

So, what would happen if you attempted to use a functional test to validate these? 

In an attempt to catch visual variations, you may start chaining lengthy assertions to one another to accurately record these changes over releases. 

This results in brittle scripts that are difficult to maintain across releases and break easily. Fortunately, these issues can be resolved with automated visual inspection.

The Growing Adoption of Automated Visual Testing

The drawbacks of manual visual testing can be overcome by automated visual testing. 

Automated visual testing goes beyond human observation by using testing technologies to assess, identify, and capture even the smallest visual differences between two images. 

Furthermore, without requiring extra human labour, automated visual testing may record and notify errors as well as repeat tests as often as necessary. 

All things considered, it can speed up, boost productivity, and raise testing accuracy.

Importance of Visual Testing

To make sure that the user interface (UI) of a programme or website satisfies the required design and usability criteria, visual testing is crucial. 

Any visual flaws or inconsistent design might negatively affect the user experience, be annoying, decrease productivity, or even cause the user to give up on the program. 

Not all visual flaws or layout problems, including misplaced components, broken photos, or inappropriate font sizes or colours, may be detected by traditional functional testing methodologies. 

Early detection of visual problems can help you minimize the need for expensive repairs later on when the program is almost ready for release or may already be in users’ hands.

Taking screenshots of the user interface and comparing them to a collection of baseline photos allows software testers to find any visual flaws or variances. 

This process is known as visual testing. This method can be carried out either manually or with the use of automated testing software. 

Additionally, visual testing may assist you in making sure that the user interface (UI) is consistent across platforms, devices, and browsers—a crucial aspect in the multi-platform multi-device world of today. 

Therefore visual testing is a crucial component of an all-encompassing testing approach that may help you raise the standard of your apps, boost user satisfaction, and lower the likelihood that users will become frustrated or give up.

In sectors where the user interface is a vital component of the product or service, visual testing is especially significant. 

For instance, in the medical field the user interface of software and medical equipment is crucial to guarantee patient safety and precise diagnosis. 

In the e-commerce sector, a website’s or mobile app’s user interface plays a critical role in delivering a satisfying user experience and increasing revenue. 

In the streaming and gaming business, user interface is essential to a fun and engaging user experience.


A vital component of software testing that ensures a satisfying user experience is visual testing. 

Visual testing is essential to ensuring that an application is user-friendly and satisfies user expectations since an application’s user interface (UI) makes a first impression on customers. 

Large IT organisations are engaging experienced testers to conduct visual testing, which has grown more automated, quicker, and more accurate as a result of the growing significance of having an online presence. 

Visual testing is crucial for swiftly and thoroughly removing visual inconsistencies since they can seriously affect the user journey. 

Consequently, visual testing has become an essential technique for every business looking to build an online presence.

Using an actual device cloud is crucial for accurate findings while doing visual exams. 

With the help of HeadSpin’s global device infrastructure, testers can run automated visual user interface tests in more than 90 countries under actual user situations.